200 CLUB
The stake is £20 per entry, with a top prize of £300 made at the Cheese and Wine in April/May. Winners are printed in the Club newsletter and posted on the noticeboard at Southover.
The annual subscription of £20.00 enters you into a monthly draw for a 1st prize of £50.00, 2nd prize of £30.00 and 3rd prize of £20.00. A 4th prize is a bottle of the winners’ choice, won by a 200 Club participator present when the draw takes place.
Jackpot Prizes:
April Cheese & Wine:
1st Prize £300 2nd £100 3rd £50
March Annual Dinner:
1st Prize £150 2nd £50 3rd £30
If you wish to pay by cheque, make it out to 'Old Finchleians Club' and post to the Club address, alternatively download the Standing Order form and send to your bank. Please inform us so that we can update our records.
Many thanks for your continued support.
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
Bottle of wine
4th Prize
1st Prize
To contact the 200 Club administrator, please fill in the form below